Time is the most valuable resource we have. Therefore, learning how to use shortcuts (hotkeys) in DaVinci Resolve is crucial. Shortcuts significantly increase workflow speed, so you can spend less time on each project.
In this tutorial, I will cover some of the most frequently used DaVinci Resolve shortcuts for macOS and Windows that will save you time. I will mention shortcuts to navigate DaVinci Resolve faster, manipulate clips inside the timeline, and more.
If you integrate just a part of these shortcuts into your editing workflow, you will notice that you will become more efficient.
These are the most frequently used keyboard shortcuts in DaVinci Resolve for MacOS and Windows.
Action | macOS | Windows |
Undo | Command + Z | Control + Z |
Redo | Shift + Command + Z | Shift + Control + Z |
Cut | Command + X | Control + X |
Copy | Command + C | Control + C |
Paste | Command + V | Control + V |
Paste Attributes | Option + V | Alt + v |
Zoom In | Command + = | Control + = |
Zoom Out | Command + – | Control + – |
Zoom to Fit | Shift + Z | Shift + Z |
Select All | Command + A | Control + A |
Deselect All | Shift + Command + A | Shift + Control + A |
Delete Selected | Delete | Delete |
Pointer | A | A |
Trim | T | T |
Blade | B | B |
Cut Clip | Command + B | Control + B |
Select Clips Forward on This Track | Y | Y |
Select Clips Forward on all Tracks | Option + Y | Alt + Y |
Link Clip | Option + Command + L | Alt + Control + L |
Enable/Disable Clip | D | D |
Join Clips | Option + BackSlash | Alt + BackSlash |
Retime Clip | Command + R | Control + R |
Reset Clip | Option + Command + R | Alt + Control + R |
Turn on/off Snapping | N | N |
Action | macOS | Windows |
Open Media Page | Shift + 2 | Shift + 2 |
Open Cut Page | Shift + 3 | Shift + 3 |
Open Edit Page | Shift + 4 | Shift + 4 |
Open Fusion Page | Shift + 5 | Shift + 5 |
Open Color Page | Shift + 6 | Shift + 6 |
Open Fairlight Page | Shift + 7 | Shift + 7 |
Open Delivery Page | Shift + 8 | Shift + 8 |
Action | macOS | Windows |
Play Forward | L | L |
Play Reverse | J | J |
Stop | K | K |
Fast Forward (2x) | LL | LL |
Fast Reverse (2x) | JJ | JJ |
Pause/start playback | Space | Space |
Loop/Unloop | Command + Slash | Control+Slash |
Play Around Current Frame | Slash | Slash |
Play In to Out | Option + Slash | Alt + Slash |
Previous Clip/Edit | Up Arrow | Up Arrow |
Next Clip/Edit | Down Arrow | Down Arrow |
First Frame | ; | ; |
Last Frame | Apostrophe (‘) | Apostrophe (‘) |
Previous Keyframe | [ | [ |
Next Keyframe | ] | ] |
Previous Marker | Shift + Up Arrow | Shift + Up Arrow |
Next Marker | Shift + Down Arrow | Shift + Down Arrow |
Previous Gap | Option + Command + ; | Alt + Control + ; |
Next Gap | Option + Command + ‘ | Alt + Control + ‘ |
Timeline Start | Home | Home |
Timeline End | End | End |
Go to In | Shift + I | Shift + I |
Go to Out | Shift + O | Shift + O |
Markers in DaVinci Resolve allow you to mark and highlight certain parts of the timeline.
It can be used to easily navigate the timeline if you are working on a complex project.
Markers can even create YouTube chapters directly in DaVinci Resolve.
Action | macOS | Windows |
Mark In | I | I |
Mark Out | O | O |
Clear In | Option + I | Alt + I |
Clear Out | Option + O | Alt + O |
Clear In and Out | Option + X | Alt + X |
Mark Clip | X | X |
Mark Selection | Shift + A | Shift + A |
Add Marker | M | M |
Modify Marker | Shift + M | Shift + M |
Delete Marker | Option + M | Alt + M |
Add Flag | G | G |
The following shortcuts allow you to manipulate DaVinci Resolve project files.
Action | macOS | Windows |
New Bin | Shift + Command + N | Shift + Control + N |
New Timeline | Command + N | Control + N |
Save Project | Command + S | Control + S |
Save Project As… | Shift + Command + S | Shift + Control + S |
Import Project | Command + I | Control + I |
Export Project | Command + E | Control + E |
Make sure you check out The Best Render Settings for DaVinci Resolve.
The following shortcuts allow you to manipulate transitions, color grades, and nodes in DaVinci Resolve.
Action | macOS | Windows |
Add Transition | Command + T | Control + T |
Add Video Only Transitions | Option + T | Alt + T |
Add Audio Only Transitions | Shift + T | Shift + T |
Add Keyframe | Command + [ | Control + [ |
Delete Keyframe | Option + ] | Alt + ] |
Retime Controls | Command + R | Control + R |
Add Serial Node | Option + S | Alt + S |
Add Parallel Node | Option + P | Alt + P |
Add Layer Node | Option + L | Alt + L |
Next Node | Shift + Option + ‘ | Shift + Alt + ‘ |
Previous Node | Shift + Option + ; | Shift + Alt + ; |
Enable/Disable Node | Command + D | Control + D |
Enable/Disable All Nodes | Option + D | Alt + D |
Reset Color Grades and Nodes | Command + Home | Control + Home |
Bypass All Grades | Shift + D | Shift + D |
All these shortcuts might seem overwhelming at first, but I suggest you start with shortcuts in the “Edit” section.
Integrate these shortcuts into your workflow in DaVinci Resolve one by one.
It might seem hard at the begging, but it’s worth investing the time to learn these shortcuts.
Another way to speed up your DaVinci Resolve editing workflow is by using power bins.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to customize keyboard shortcuts in DaVinci Resolve?
Navigate to the “Davinci Resolve” menu in your menu bar and select “Keyboard Customization. Go to “Keyboard Mapping”. You can create your own custom shortcuts or modify existing ones.
Why are shortcuts not working in DaVinci Resolve?
DaVinci Resolve shortcuts might stop working if multiple languages are used on the keyboard. Try changing the keyboard layout to English and the shortcuts will work again.