Liam Lorin

Liam Lorin

Technology enthusiast since he built his first computer over a decade ago. Spends too much time playing with his cat when he should be writing articles and bench-marking the latest tech.

M1 iMac Overview – Should You Buy It?

All iMac m1 colors
The new iMac is finally here. It is an impressive reinvention of the all-in-one Mac and with so many reviews out there, we have saved you some time and compiled everything we have heard about the iMac so far.

Top 5 Apple AirTag Accessories

AirTag Apple Logo Side
Apple AirTag is a handy tracker which helps you with finding your lost items. Unfortunately they do not come with an attachment hook, so you need to buy accessories to use them to their full potential.

M1 iMac 2021 vs Intel iMacs

New M1 iMacs with all colors
The new m1 iMac is just about to be released and it's different from its predecessors. With the new CPU chip, new design and new features, this iMac is definitely worth taking a look at.

Apple Watch 7 Rumors

Apple Watch Types
With another Apple Event just around the corner, we are expecting to see Apple Watch 7 announced. What will this watch look like and what new features will it have?